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Chemical recycling of plastics for a circular economy in Singapore

Our Message

Achieving a circular economy is part of one of the key 5 pillars of the Singapore Green Plan 2030 - Sustainable Living.

Sustainable Living

Resilient Future

City In Nature

Energy Reset

Green Economy

The process of improving our economy takes up energy, water and other resources in which Singapore lacks. This also leads to a rise in sewerage and other solid waste that must be disposed of. These are obstacles for countries, especially in Singapore where land and natural resources are limited. Semakau Landfill, the only one we have, will be filled up rapidly if we continue disposing waste at our present rate.


Singapore must embrace a circular economy approach to overcome these challenges and grow sustainably. As a small nation, Singapore has always been acutely aware of the need to regulate economic development by taking into consideration the impacts our actions have on the environment. Countries like the Netherlands and Finland have already adopted this approach due to resource scarcity, fluctuating resource prices, and the environmental impact of the detrimental use of valuable resources. Thus, the circular economy is vital to Singapore’s Green Plan 2030

What are plastics?



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