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Circular Economy

A circular economy is an alternative to a traditional linear economy (take, make, waste). It seeks to reduce waste, recovers resources at the end of a product’s life, and channels them back into production, thus significantly reducing pressure on the environment.


Singapore Green Plan 2030

In 2021, there was 924,000 tonnes of plastic waste, accounting for 29.6% of waste that year.  

- National Environment Agency 

Crystal Salt

As  a result of this large amounts of plastic waste, the government has taken concrete steps to increase the rate of recycling plastics.

This infographic shows how mechanical recycling of plastics in Singapore works!
Chemical Recycling of Plastics

 How is plastics currently recycled in Singapore?

Plastics are currently recycled through mechanical recycling and chemical recycling in Singapore. 

Singapore currently uses pyrolysis as a method for the chemical recycling of plastics. NewOil, an environmental solutions company which is the only plastic chemical recycling plant in Singapore transforms plastic waste into circular pyrolysis oil to generate NewOil. 


To achieve a circular economy

PACT by WWF-Singapore

PACT is a business initiative by WWF-Singapore that aims to reduce waste and move towards a circular economy by working with industries with the biggest potential for driving change. The programme empowers companies to adapt their business models and processes to be more resource-efficient.

- works with businesses to set ambitious, specific time-bound goals to drastically reduce plastics usage

- identifies unnecessary single-use items

- provides companies with resources, guides and tools

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