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Chemical Recycling of Plastics

With more advanced technology, the chemical recycling industry has developed new solutions to improve existing mechanical recycling processes, to now recycle mixed or contaminated plastic waste that otherwise would be incinerated or sent to landfills. These technologies can break down plastics and transform them into useful raw materials to produce new chemicals, including plastics, possessing the same quality as those made from crude oil. 


These are 3 different chemical recycling processes. They all involve breaking down of plastic waste in the presence of heat and catalyst to form new products. However, there are several differences between these processes. Scroll down to find out more about these processes!

1. Dissolution

Sorted plastic waste is dissolved to extract the polymers and make new recycled plastic from them.

2. Depolymerisation

The process of breaking down plastics into its constituent monomers, after which, these monomers are used to create new polymers. 

3. Conversion

Mixed plastic waste is broken down into oil- or gas-like raw materials) that is then used to produce chemicals including plastics.

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